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Fish onlus
- FISH: grave violazione del diritto all’istruzione per Tommy e tutti gli studenti con disabilità
- Audizione FISH su Nomenclatore tariffario per ausili tecnici
- Inclusione scolastica, FISH: bene lo stanziamento, ora si convochi l’osservatorio nazionale
- FISH: dichiarazioni di Trump su disastro aereo gravi e irricevibili
- Inclusione scolastica: FISH presenta una memoria
Autism Europe
- LINK Magazine – 81
- Kashalata, Azerbaijan’s first inclusive café sets the path for a more inclusive labour market
- European Commissioner for Equality Lahbib commits to new actions of the Strategy for the Rights of People with Disabilities at a debate with Members of the European Parliament
- AE is looking for stories from the autism community for the Not invisible campaign
- European Parliament President reaffirmed commitment to disability rights and autistic people