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Fish onlus
- Social Bonus, FISH: un’opportunità per le associazioni della disabilità
- Persone con disabilità a Gaza, FISH: un dramma che non può più essere ignorato
- Roma: solo 200 licenze taxi accessibili su 1000, FISH: ennesima occasione persa
- Un brutto colpo da parte dell’Europa
- Che l’anno scolastico inizi per tutti e nessuno venga escluso
Autism Europe
- Joint Statement: Deliver on promises and honour commitments on mental health
- AE welcomes the European Commission’s commitment to a common approach to autism and calls for disability rights to remain at the forefront of EU’s agenda
- Autism-Europe’s ‘Not Invisible’ Campaign gains wide support in the context of the European Parliament elections
- AE welcomes autism research as a priority in the future mandate of the European Commission and calls for a clear commitment for disability rights
- Join Statement: Paving the Way for an Equality-Centred Policy Cycle